My name is Kumar Rashad and I am excited to say that I am running for Louisville Metro Council District 15​. I believe in hard work and community. This is why the pillars of my campaign are creating equity in education for every student, community service, and rebuilding our local infrastructure.
By creating community schools that prepare our students for a successful future we are ensuring future prosperity for District 15. I have been a public school teacher for 16 years.
I also serve on the Board of Directors for both Jefferson County Teachers Association and Kentucky Educators Association. I created and continue to run a free tutoring program for educators seeking certification..
The hallmark of a good leader is to first seek to serve others. I am making a commitment to serving our community and uplifting our fellows. I volunteer as a board member to a group home also located in District 15. I am a board member with Sowers of Justice, a non-profit coalition of social justice and diverse religious groups. We seek to enlighten the community with workshops while building bridges so that our differences becomes our strengths.
In addition, rebuilding some of our outdated infrastructures will create jobs and give us all a community that we can be proud of. As we look around our area we are constantly reminded of the great potential that it possesses. By rebuilding roads, fully developing the Hazelwood area, and addressing the issues of vacant and/or dilapidated homes we can create construction jobs as well as attract new businesses to our community. I became a teacher because education is the foundation to building the citizens who will create tomorrow’s reality. I love the work that I do and helping others is my life’s mission. I want to empowered people to work toward the common good. For this reason, I am asking for your vote and contining support for the 2018 Louisville Metro Council District 15.